POLLINACTION project: visit of the “Passante di Mestre” highway

On August 23, 2024, we participated to a visit along the Mestre bypass to verify the status of the native herbaceous species – for a total of 5 hectares – that have been planted by CAV SpA as part of the POLLINACTION initiative. The project, which is co-funded by the LIFE Programme, aims to support […]

PASS4CORE-ITA 2 project: pre-audit visit at Padova RRT

On July 10, 2024, as part of the PASS4CORE-ITA 2 project, Padova RRT underwent a pre-audit inspection by DEKRA Italia, the certification entity. The visit focused on three heavy vehicle parking areas in the Padua industrial area that are currently being finalized. As a matter of fact, these areas will become certified SSTPA, thus representing […]

POLLINACTION presented at the first living lab workshop of SEW Line Project in Verona

On April 22-23, 2024, the first living lab workshop of the PRIN PNRR 2022 project “SEW Line. Socio-Ecological Way for a holistic mobility infrastructure planning in periurban and rural landscape” took place in Verona. This biennial inter-university research project, funded by the Italian Ministry, is led by the Department of Territory and Agroforestry Systems (TESAF) […]

PORTE and UPaRRT Projects: Launch event within Let Expo 2024 in Verona

On March 13, 2024, as part of the Let Expo 2024 trade fair in Verona, organized by Consorzio ZAI, the launch event for two projects financed by the CEF Program and related to two comprehensive nodes of the TEN-T network was held at the UIR stand. The projects are PORTE, implemented by the Pordenone RRT […]

GRETA Project: First in-person consortium meeting in Bologna

On April 14-15, 2024, we supported CEI, a partner of the GRETA project co-financed by the Interreg Central Europe program, which participated in the first in-person project meeting and PSC, held in Bologna. The project is dedicated to the development of innovative solutions for greening urban logistics activities in functional urban areas (FUAs). The meeting, […]

CRISTAL Project: General Assembly in Mantua

The general assembly of the CRISTAL project, funded by the Horizon Europe Program, was held in Mantua on April 11-12, 2024. We participated in support of Infrastrutture Venete, a project partner. Hosted by the partners Provincia di Mantova and AIPO at the splendid location of the Casa del Mantegna, the meeting was an opportunity to […]

POLLINACTION project: networking meeting with the LIFE 4 Pollinators project

On 17 November 2023, we took part on behalf of Concessioni Autostradali Venete in the networking meeting with the LIFE 4 Pollinators project referents, organised in Bologna at the CREA premises. The meeting was a useful opportunity to exchange ideas and suggestions for the involvement of stakeholders to be implemented within the POLLINACTION project.

Mediterranean Corridor Forum in Brussels

On 14 November 2023, the 19th Mediterranean Corridor Forum was held in Brussels, in which we participated on behalf of Infrastrutture Venete. In this setting we had the opportunity to present the initiatives supported by Infrastrutture Venete for the promotion of inland waterways. These include the study dedicated to onshore power for inland waterways, financed […]

POLLINACTION wins the European Bee Award in the “Land Management Practices” category

On 28 November 2023, the European Bee Award was held in Brussels, in which we participated on behalf of Concessioni Autostradali Venete S.p.A. with some of the partners of the POLLINACTION project, financed by the LIFE Programme and led by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. POLLINACTION was awarded in the category “Land management practices” for […]